Kompuutteri Kaikille K-CD 2002 #1
program files
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
127 lines
{ *************************************************************************** }
{ }
{ Delphi and Kylix Cross-Platform Visual Component Library }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1995, 2001 Borland Software Corporation }
{ }
{ *************************************************************************** }
unit RTLConsts;
SAncestorNotFound = 'Ancestor for ''%s'' not found';
SAssignError = 'Cannot assign a %s to a %s';
SBitsIndexError = 'Bits index out of range';
SBucketListLocked = 'List is locked during an active ForEach';
SCantWriteResourceStreamError = 'Can''t write to a read-only resource stream';
SCharExpected = '''''%s'''' expected';
SCheckSynchronizeError = 'CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread';
SClassNotFound = 'Class %s not found';
SDelimiterQuoteCharError = 'Delimiter and QuoteChar properties cannot have the same value';
SDuplicateClass = 'A class named %s already exists';
SDuplicateItem = 'List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)';
SDuplicateName = 'A component named %s already exists';
SDuplicateString = 'String list does not allow duplicates';
SFCreateError = 'Cannot create file %s';
SFixedColTooBig = 'Fixed column count must be less than column count';
SFixedRowTooBig = 'Fixed row count must be less than row count';
SFOpenError = 'Cannot open file %s';
SGridTooLarge = 'Grid too large for operation';
SIdentifierExpected = 'Identifier expected';
SIndexOutOfRange = 'Grid index out of range';
SIniFileWriteError = 'Unable to write to %s';
SInvalidActionCreation = 'Invalid action creation';
SInvalidActionEnumeration = 'Invalid action enumeration';
SInvalidActionRegistration = 'Invalid action registration';
SInvalidActionUnregistration = 'Invalid action unregistration';
SInvalidBinary = 'Invalid binary value';
SInvalidDate = '''''%s'''' is not a valid date';
SInvalidDateTime = '''''%s'''' is not a valid date and time';
SInvalidFileName = 'Invalid file name - %s';
SInvalidImage = 'Invalid stream format';
SInvalidInteger = '''''%s'''' is not a valid integer value';
SInvalidMask = '''%s'' is an invalid mask at (%d)';
SInvalidName = '''''%s'''' is not a valid component name';
SInvalidProperty = 'Invalid property value';
SInvalidPropertyElement = 'Invalid property element: %s';
SInvalidPropertyPath = 'Invalid property path';
SInvalidPropertyType = 'Invalid property type: %s';
SInvalidPropertyValue = 'Invalid property value';
SInvalidRegType = 'Invalid data type for ''%s''';
SInvalidString = 'Invalid string constant';
SInvalidStringGridOp = 'Cannot insert or delete rows from grid';
SInvalidTime = '''''%s'''' is not a valid time';
SItemNotFound = 'Item not found ($0%x)';
SLineTooLong = 'Line too long';
SListCapacityError = 'List capacity out of bounds (%d)';
SListCountError = 'List count out of bounds (%d)';
SListIndexError = 'List index out of bounds (%d)';
SMaskErr = 'Invalid input value';
SMaskEditErr = 'Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes';
SMemoryStreamError = 'Out of memory while expanding memory stream';
SNoComSupport = '%s has not been registered as a COM class';
SNotPrinting = 'Printer is not currently printing';
SNumberExpected = 'Number expected';
SParseError = '%s on line %d';
SComponentNameTooLong = 'Component name ''%s'' exceeds 64 character limit';
SPropertyException = 'Error reading %s%s%s: %s';
SPrinting = 'Printing in progress';
SReadError = 'Stream read error';
SReadOnlyProperty = 'Property is read-only';
SRegCreateFailed = 'Failed to create key %s';
SRegGetDataFailed = 'Failed to get data for ''%s''';
SRegisterError = 'Invalid component registration';
SRegSetDataFailed = 'Failed to set data for ''%s''';
SResNotFound = 'Resource %s not found';
SSeekNotImplemented = '%s.Seek not implemented';
SSortedListError = 'Operation not allowed on sorted list';
SStringExpected = 'String expected';
SSymbolExpected = '%s expected';
STimeEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to time encode';
STooManyDeleted = 'Too many rows or columns deleted';
SUnknownGroup = '%s not in a class registration group';
SUnknownProperty = 'Property %s does not exist';
SWriteError = 'Stream write error';
SStreamSetSize = 'Stream.SetSize failure';
SThreadCreateError = 'Thread creation error: %s';
SThreadError = 'Thread Error: %s (%d)';
SInvalidDateDay = '(%d, %d) is not a valid DateDay pair';
SInvalidDateWeek = '(%d, %d, %d) is not a valid DateWeek triplet';
SInvalidDateMonthWeek = '(%d, %d, %d, %d) is not a valid DateMonthWeek quad';
SInvalidDayOfWeekInMonth = '(%d, %d, %d, %d) is not a valid DayOfWeekInMonth quad';
SInvalidJulianDate = '%f Julian cannot be represented as a DateTime';
SMissingDateTimeField = '?';
SConvIncompatibleTypes2 = 'Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s]';
SConvIncompatibleTypes3 = 'Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s, %s]';
SConvIncompatibleTypes4 = 'Incompatible conversion types [%s - %s, %s - %s]';
SConvUnknownType = 'Unknown conversion type %s';
SConvDuplicateType = 'Conversion type (%s) already registered in %s';
SConvUnknownFamily = 'Unknown conversion family %s';
SConvDuplicateFamily = 'Conversion family (%s) already registered';
SConvUnknownDescription = '[%.8x]';
SConvIllegalType = 'Illegal type';
SConvIllegalFamily = 'Illegal family';
SConvFactorZero = '%s has a factor of zero';
SConvStrParseError = 'Could not parse %s';
SFailedToCallConstructor = 'TStrings descendant %s failed to call inherited constructor';
sWindowsSocketError = 'Windows socket error: %s (%d), on API ''%s''';
sAsyncSocketError = 'Asynchronous socket error %d';
sNoAddress = 'No address specified';
sCannotListenOnOpen = 'Can''t listen on an open socket';
sCannotCreateSocket = 'Can''t create new socket';
sSocketAlreadyOpen = 'Socket already open';
sCantChangeWhileActive = 'Can''t change value while socket is active';
sSocketMustBeBlocking = 'Socket must be in blocking mode';
sSocketIOError = '%s error %d, %s';
sSocketRead = 'Read';
sSocketWrite = 'Write';